Standard fare. Vulgar, random, and making heavy use of the Oxford comma.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Change of Scenery

Needed a change.

But I'm gonna try this again. I completely lost the will to blog before. It's hard motherf-in' work! You have to come up with an idea, log-on to Blogger, actually write it, fight through the early onset Carpal-Tunnel symptoms, somehow look like you are working because, I mean...they pay you here so you have to look like you're working because you don't want to get fired and if you did get fired you'd theoretically have more time to blog but who the fuck would sit at home and blog when they have better things to do and....and you get the picture.

That and I read some articles during the recent elections and I was motivated to maybe actually post something and so I figure I'll give it another shot. I couldn't put it on the old site because it's been months. And the name was really cumbersome. So I've condensed it.

And who is Vern? My name isn't Vern. Or Jeff. Whatever.

I give this two weeks.

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